ok couldn't resist. Here's a token picture of me on a desert island. Yes really. Sorry. I got pretty frazzled from being on the go non stop so decided to take half a day time out. I got a dive boat over to a cay off the coast of the island of Utila where I have spent the past 2 nights, then sea kayaked over to the place where you see me above. Nobody else there. A whole island to myself. Of course, once i had beached my kayak, there was only one thing to do. Go for a run. I lasted all of 4 minutes before the pebbles started to hurt my bare feet too much. But never mind. I almost regretted taking my camera when an unexpected wave threatened me with capsizing. But i am pleased to have brought back evidence of my trip.
So if that hasn't sickened you too much and you are still reading this, the job is going pretty well. I have been getting quicker and a lot more assertive. It's amazing how being with a clipboard gives you a sense of authority. Hondurans are a friendly bunch and so far so good. A couple of observations:
1. if you want to look like charlie big potatoes, here's the place to do it. They barely have any coins here. the smallest note is 1 lempira (the currency is named after an indigenous warrior who almost defeated the Spanish conquistadores). It's worth about 5 pence. So you could have a wad of fifty and only be carrying two pounds fifty.
2. it's interesting how TV limits and tastes are different. I switched on the hotel telly after arriving from a bumpy chicken bus ride. within half an hour of news i had seen close-ups of four mangled bodies (don't worry mum and dad, there weren't many gringos).
2. it's interesting how TV limits and tastes are different. I switched on the hotel telly after arriving from a bumpy chicken bus ride. within half an hour of news i had seen close-ups of four mangled bodies (don't worry mum and dad, there weren't many gringos).
anyway, my internet time is mounting. i have to check out the final few hotels here. It's the sort of place were people seem to linger longer than they planned. oh well. i've had my time on a desert island....
more soon. xx
more soon. xx
Hola hueon. En estos momentos estoy en Clapham buscando piso desesperadamente. He visto por lo menos diez y solo tres valian la pena. Ninguno con companyeros de piso remarcables.
Esta noche sabre si dos australianas, que estan mas buenas que el pan, me aceptan en el fantastico piso que tienen... Todo por el modico precio de 300,000 lempiras al mes.
Mate, glad you arrived safe and sound and found your own island...! Can you watch the cricket out there? We're catching you up boyo!!
RUN??? Personally, I would have sunbathed.... hehe :)
Thanks for my postcard!
Victoria, your travel agent
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